Our deep experience in several aspects of Toy Manufacturing b
including Engineering Design, Tool Development, Plastic
injection, Pad printing, Paint decoration processes, skilled
Assembly and strict QC b ensure first-class products delivered
on time to our valued customers.
Our growth strategy for the future includes: Consolidation of present systems and practices, Continual evolvement of Professional Management practices, Focus on good Human Resource practices, Diversification of Business & Developing sustainable solutions.
A high value on social compliance and good labour practices. All facilities are regularly audited through an internal audit mechanism as well as by independent inspection agencies. We are proud of maintaining high international standards and of being conferred with best in class certificates.
The Company acknowledges that sustainability in business through
innovative methods is important, thus it has identified certain
focus areas and to name a few such as: Automation, Bar coding
Business Intelligence, Tool Design & In-House Manufacturing,
Real Time & Predictive Monitoring etc.